How India Got Her Name - India and Bharata?

The name INDIA is derived from Indus, which originates from the word old Persian word Hindu. The term Hindu is originated from the Sanskrit word Sindhu. ((सिन्धु (Sindhu) meaning "body of trembling water, river“). Neighboring Iranians (Persians) pronounced ‘s’ as ‘h’. Thus Sindu became Hindhu.Greeks pronounced Hindu as Indus. The ancient Greeks called Indian as Indioi  (Ἰνδοί), which literally means people who live at region beyond the Indus. The name India then came back to English usage from the 17th century onwards, may be due to the influence of Latin or Portuguese. Actually, We can't find in the Vedas, Puranas, Itihaasa the word or name ‘India. But we can find the word ‘Bharata’.

In Rug Veda

King Sudasa of the Bharata defeated other tribes in terrible war Dasharajnya (दाशराज्ञ युद्ध, war of ten kings ).  After that, more and more people started identifying themselves as members of the Bharata tribe.

In Mahabharath

The  India was called Bharatvarsha (the (country of Bharata) ) after the legendary emperor Bharata .  He was the son of King Dushyant and Shakuntala and ancestor of the Pandavas and the Kauravas

In Puranas

The  India was known as Bharatavarsha (the country of Bharata) after Bharata, the son of Rishabha


1. Names for India
2. Bharat vs India: one nation, two names 
3. Why is India called India? 
